Misleading of the Public is prohibited

The unfair competition shall be prohibited․


Any business activity or conduct, that causes, or is likely to cause confusion with respect to the activities of another competitor, the activity or products offered by him/her, shall be considered as an act of unfair competition.


Misleading may be caused while implementing measures to facilitate the promotion or advertisement of products, in particularly it may be caused with respect to geographic origin of a product. Any unjustified exaggeration of the product quality, the failure to provide relevant information regarding the quality, quantity or other features, which may lead to a false impression (misinformation), forgery with regard to the personality of an advertiser, shall be deemed as misleading.


Action of unfair competition shall lead to imposition of a fine at the rate of up to 1 % of proceeds of the year preceding. In case the activity conducted in the previous year lasted less than 12 month, the infringement stipulated in this part shall lead to imposition of a fine upon the economic entity-concentration participant at the rate of 1% of proceeds of the year preceding the concentration but not exceeding 12 months’ period.


Source: Iravaban.net

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