The retired woman was killed by 10 blows from a knife for not having 5000 amd

Yesterday, on January 10th, The Court of General Jurisdiction of Shirak region started to consider the criminal case brought against Harutyun Harutyunyan with the charge of murder.



H. Harutyunyan was incriminated of killing R. Khachatryan, the inhabitant of the house by the address Lalayan Street 123/050. On 16.06.2012 at 21:00 p.m. he went to her house, during the dispute stabbed her on the chest 10 times with a kitchen knife and escaped from the place of crime. R.Khachatryan was taken to the hospital and died there.



The accused accepted his guilt. During the trial it was established that the accused was released from the compulsory military service because of his mental disorders. According to the testimonies of a witness and the legal successor of the victim, before her death R.Khachatryan told that tragedy was occurred because she could not meet Harutyun’s requirement to give him 5000 AMD.



Public Correspondent
Lusaber Ter-Gevorgyan


The source:

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