Letter to Chief of Police

“Provide the list of people missing from Armenia but included on the voters list”. 

Armenian Revolutionary Federation, «Herritage» and Armenian National Congress sent a letter to the Chief of Police.

“Honorable Chief of Police,

The RA Police published the voters list for the upcoming NA elections which includes 2.485.844 and when we add the 50,000 names of those in the army and penitentiary, it adds up to 2.535.844 voters.

It is also known that according to the 2011 population census, the number of registered people in the country is 3.285.767, while the number of residing people in the country is 2.871.767. So according to the official data permanently missing people are 414.258, while expert opinion mentions 700,000.

You have the data on permanently missing people which was clarified during the census name by name, plus you have the border registry for the matter.

The availability of people missing from the country on voters’ lists has always bothered citizens and provoked doubt over the legitimacy of elections. In time, it also bothered international observers who raised the issue with the government for reform.

Hence, to dismiss all doubt and secure fairness and transparency of the elections, based on “Freedom of information” act, we request to provide us the list of citizens permanently missing from the country.

By not meeting our request, you will undermine the legitimacy of the upcoming elections and will harm Armenia’s international image.”

Copy has been sent to the Prime Minister, CEC Chairman, international observer mission, Ambassadors.

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