Compensation to the Injured Citizen

Pursuant to Article 1078 of the RA Civil Code, “In case of the causing of physical injury or other injury to the health of a citizen, the lost wages (or income) which it had or definitely could have had and also supplementary expenses borne that were caused by the injury to the health, including expenses for medical treatment, supplementary nourishment, acquiring medicines, prosthetics, care, sanitarium-resort treatment, acquiring special means of transport, preparation for another job, etc., shall be subject to compensation, if it is established that the victim needs these means of assistance and care and does not have the right to receive them free of charge.
In determining the lost wages (or income), a disability pension awarded to the victim in connection with the physical injury or other injury to the health and also other types of pensions, allowances and also other similar payments awarded both before and after the causing of harm to the health shall not be considered and shall not entail a reduction of the amount of compensation for harm (shall not be considered toward the compensation for harm). Wages (or income) received by the victim after the injury to the health was caused also shall not be considered toward the compensation for harm.
Pursuant to Article 1079 of the RA Civil Code, “”
The average monthly wages (or income) of the victim shall be calculated by dividing the total sum of its wages (or income) for the twelve months of work preceding the injury to the health by twelve. In the case when the victim by the time of the causing of harm had worked less than twelve months, the average monthly wages (or income) shall be calculated by dividing the total sum of wages (or income) for the number of months actually worked preceding the injury to the health by the number of these months.
In the case when the victim, at the time of causing of the harm has not worked, there shall be considered, at his option, wages before discharge or the usual wage of an employee of his skill in the given place, but not less than 162.500AMD.

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