How to Fight against Corruption? Survey in Yerevan

Today an awareness action was held in the central streets of Yerevan under the slogan “Break the Corruption Chain”. The students and volunteers of the Law Students Division of the Armenian Young Lawyers Association informed the citizens on the campaign and the slogans implementing a survey. Overall 100 citizens took part in the survey.

It became clear in the survey that 9 out of 100 citizens were aware that today it is the International Anti-Corruption day. 89 citizens were aware what corruption is, 11 gave negative answers to this question.

“Are you aware which are the anti-corruption bodies?” – 61 citizens answered “Yes” to this question, and 39 – “No”.

From 100 questioned citizens only 8 had applied measures of protection of their rights prescribed by law in cases involving corruption risks, 92 haven`t applied these measures.

In the survey 33 citizens mentioned that during the recent years the trust of the society had increased towards the law-enforcement system, while 67 mentioned that no increase had been registered.

“If an issue arises in the relationship with state bodies, are you ready to solve it through corruption means, like magharich (bribe)? – 55 citizens answered “yes” to this question, 45 – “no”.

“How would you fight against corruption”, answering this question the citizens mentioned the following options: increasing the scientific level, change of manners, increase of awareness, bribe against bribes, increase of legal consciousness, anti-corruption upbringing, improvement of the economy, improvement of the law-enforcement system, etc.. There have also been funny suggestions, some of the citizens mentioned corruption should be fought against with “shooting as in China”, “burning the corrupt officials” and “with the most severe means”.

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