In Result of revising the Sum of the Debt the Beneficiary paid less Money

On 30.November 2010, “Shirak Water and Sewerage” CJSC had filed a claim against the subscriber Ms Armine Galoyan, with a request to recover debts of the sum of 91.701 AMD. The mentioned sum had accumulated in the period of February 2002 through end of April 2010.
The company had notified the client about this debt in May 2010. In may 2010 the subscriber and “Shirak Water and Sewerage” CJSC had come to a verbal agreement that in case if the client shall pay 20.000 AMD, the company shall othorise installation of a water meter devise. In compliance with this verbal agreement, Ms Galoyan’s father-in-law made a payment of 20.000 AMD on 31.05.2010. However there was no authorization to install the water meter device till December. Instead, without write off of the paid sum, the Company filed a claim to the court in November with a request to recover debts of the sum of 91.701 AMD.
Shirak AARC prepared the reply to the claim and sent it to the court.
During the hearing on 10.01.2011 the court partially met the claim of “Shirak Water and Sewerage” CJSC. The decision has come into force and the citizen shall pay only 14.891 AMD which is multiply less than the initial claimed sum.

The success story is borrowed from

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