A Cabinet sitting was held today, chaired by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan.
The Government approved a licensing procedure for imported vodka, classified as 2208 under the foreign economic activity nomenclature code, as well as the licenses and application forms. By the next decision, the ministries of agriculture and economy were decided to be the authorized licensing agencies.
In this regard, the Prime Minister pointed out that as a matter of fact, a complicated procedure is being established for domestic manufacturers and importers. This means that technical standards will be established, biding for all market operators. Mandatory inspections will be conducted once a year. The Minister of Economy added in turn, “We are creating a level playing field, because at the moment a simpler procedure is applicable for imports. In fact, we will be protecting local manufacturers by creating equal conditions for all. This procedure is meant to tighten the controls, including over food safety. At the same time, this is consistent with our international obligations, according to which we must ensure a level playing field for local and foreign companies.”
Amending a previous decision adopted later last year concerning Armenia’s participation in the “Living ocean and coastal zone: variety of resources and rational use,” the Government provides greater opportunity for the national operator, the Armenian Development Agency. Thanks to the proposed measures, adequate participation will be ensured for our country.
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan said Armenia’s participation was quite successful though insufficiently covered by mass media. “We were praised both in Korea and Shanghai, and the public should be duly informed thereof.”
The Government approved the proposal on signing a co-financing agreement between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the United Nations Development Program covering a program of modernization for Bagratashen, Bavra and Gogavan border checkpoints.
Sophisticated infrastructures will be set up at the aforementioned checkpoints to ensure a more comfortable environment for trade and businesses, as well as enable legitimate cross-border movement of people and goods. International arrangements will be concluded to raise the needed funds.
Amending a previous decree, the Government included 40 more African States in the list of those countries whose duly invited nationals can obtain entry visas by simply applying to Armenia’s diplomatic and consular missions in foreign countries. The decision is meant to streamline the procedure set for entry into the Republic of Armenia.
The Government next approved a procedure for granting State assistance to public museum operators. The decision establishes clearer assistance criteria, a thumbnail description of Armenia’s landscape diploma award, which should encourage public participation in decision-making on landscape policy.
The meeting appointed Rafik Grigoryan to be Governor of Gegharkunik marz and approved Gayane Gasparyan’s election to the post of Rector of the Yerevan State Linguistics University after V. Brusov.
On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan congratulated Rafik Grigoryan and Gayane Gasparyan and wished them every success in future activities.
The next cabinet sitting will be held this July 4, at 11:00 AM.
Local, Foreign Companies May Enjoy Equal Conditions