“Repentance is the path through which one can be restored” – Father Bardughimeos

As part of the “The Church and the Law” interview series, Iravaban.net discussed the topic “The Sacrament of Repentance and its Implementation in the Armenian Apostolic Church” with Father Bardughimeos Hakobyan, the spiritual pastor of the Holy Martyrs Church of the Araratian Patriarchal Diocese.

– How does the Armenian Apostolic Church define the essence of repentance and its role in the salvation of the believer?

– The essence of repentance and its role in salvation in the believer’s life are defined by the Holy Scriptures. Our Lord Jesus Christ emphasized repentance. He said: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” When people approached Christ and asked how it happened that people were killed in the temple by the Romans or perished in the collapse of the tower, He said in both cases: “Repent, they were not more sinful than others. Repent, so that you do not find yourself in a worse situation.” Christ clearly shows that repentance is the path through which a person can be restored and return to God.

– What are the main prerequisites for genuine repentance, and how does it differ from simple regret?

– Repentance is not a one-time action. Many think that by repenting once, by renouncing their bad deeds, they have nothing more to do and are already saved. In reality, this is not the case. Repentance has important phases. First, one must sincerely regret, then make a confession, because the Holy Scripture says: “Confess your sins, and God will surely hear and grant forgiveness.” Every sin has two directions: first, sinning before God, as His commandment is violated, and second, sinning against one’s neighbor in human relationships.

– What legal and canonical regulations does the Church have regarding the performance of the sacrament of repentance and the selection of a confessor?

– The confessor is extremely important for repentance. Our Church accepts two types of confession – individual and general. In individual confession, the Christian chooses an anointed clergyman and discusses their sins through personal conversation. During general confession, the clergyman reads aloud a list of sins compiled by the church fathers, and those present confess in their minds. In this case, the confessor is the one who performs this ceremony.

– Are there any special actions a Christian should take before repentance, even to be spiritually prepared?

– The first condition of repentance is regret – sincere regret. It is important that the person knows where and to whom they should turn so that their repentance is complete. By regretting everywhere and to everyone, a person still cannot receive forgiveness.

– How should a believer find the clergyman to whom they wish to confess their sins, and why should they trust the clergyman?

– Trust in the clergyman is very important. The Church canonically accepts that the confessor should be the spiritual shepherd of the community. It is essential that confession is not perceived as a one-time action, but as a journey during which a connection is formed between the Christian, the clergyman, and God. The clergyman becomes the person who helps the Christian correctly understand God’s word and apply it in life. Additionally, the priest is obligated to keep the secret of confession until death.

More details in the video.


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