210 million drams, 300,000 dollars in cash, a ZIL manufactured in 1930: Arush Arushanyan’s assets and income for 2023

Gorys community leader Arush Arushanyan has submitted his declaration of assets and income for 2023.

Real Estate

  • A newly constructed building acquired through sole ownership, which Arushanyan bought in 2019.
  • An industrial building acquired in 2017.
  • Two land plots are declared, acquired in 2017 and 2019. The land plot acquired in 2019 was a gift.
  • All buildings are located in Goris community.


Arushanyan has declared 1 vehicle: a ZIL brand car manufactured in 1930, which he bought in 2016.

Bank Account Balances

In one of the banks, there was 334,248 drams at the beginning of the year. By the end of the year, this amount was 268,487 drams.


At the beginning of the year, the amount of cash was 210,000,000 drams, 300,000 dollars, 100,000 euros. By the end of the year, these amounted to 210,000,000 drams, 300,000 drams, 100,000 drams respectively.

Income for the Reporting Year

Arush Arushanyan received a salary payment of 2,778,495 drams from Goris municipality.

Note that in the 2021 declaration, Arush Arushanyan was a member of the board of the “Reviving Armenia” party. In the 2022 and 2023 declarations, this mention is absent.


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