Who receives Your Application on Haytnir.am and how is it used? Report corruption and other cases

The Haytnir.am online reporting platform, through which citizens can openly and anonymously report the corruption and/or other cases they know, is already operating.

You may submit an application in relation to any corruption risk, corruption cases, or conflict of interest of public servant, or code of conduct, or incompatibility requirements, or other restrictions, or declaration, or other apparent violations of law, or you have information on any of the above-mentioned cases.

Who receives the aplication you submitted?

A limited number of specialists and experts of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association receive the application you submitted. The application is examined by the expert who will quickly respond to you regarding the examination of the submitted application and further steps to be taken.

How will your application be used?

After reviewing your application, the ALA experts will present them to the competent authorities for consideration in case of any apparent violations. If the submitted information contains a potential criminal offence, the report will be submitted to the law enforcement agencies.

What is the competent authority handling the examination of the application?

The competent bodies involved in the examination of applications received through the Haytnir.am platform are: the State and Local Self-Government Bodies of the Republic of Armenia, State and Community organizations, public organizations, within the framework of whose powers and functions the examination is carried out, the issue (case) presented in the application.

How will the submitted application be forwarded to the competent authorities?

The application is re-addressed to the competent body within the framework of whose powers and functions the examination is carried out, the issue (case) presented in the application.

Applications containing features of an alleged crime are submitted to law enforcement agencies, informing the applicant about it.

What happens to my reported information, if the Armenian Lawyers’ Association does not take actions related to it?

In the event that the Armenian Lawyers’ Association transferred the submitted application to the competent body, and the latter fails to take actions related to your reported information, you have the right to appeal against the action or inaction of the competent body in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

The appeal can be made both in the superior court and in the judicial order, depending on the nature of the application. The terms of the appeal in the order of superiority, as well as the decision of the court, claim and trial terms, depend on the nature of the specific legal relationship.

How long is submitted information kept?

The information provided by the applicant (whistleblower) will be stored in our systems and will be used as long as it is necessary for the organization to properly process the notifications raised in them and to achieve the goals of conducting the relevant study.

Please note that you can report through the azdararir.am platform as well.

We do not forget that whistle-blowers are not “snitchers”, they are decent and law abiding citizens.

This publication was prepared within the framework of the program “Multifaceted Whistle-Blowing Promotion in Armenia”, implemented by the “Armenian Lawyers Association” (ALA) NGO with the support of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), funded by the European Union (EU) within the framework of the “EU for Good, Eastern Partnership” project.

This publication expresses the position of the author, the ALA, which does not necessarily coincide with the position of the OGP and the EU.


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