We are going to hand over the relics of 2 people missing from the first Artsakh war to Azerbaijan: Nikol Pashinyan

“One of the regular issues of the online meeting with the President of France Emmanuel Macron, the President of the European Council Charles Michel and the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev was humanitarian issues. You know that after that meeting 8 Armenian captives returned. I would like to express my words of gratitude to Emmanuel Macron and Charles Michel,” Nikol Pashinyan said today, on 9 February, during a question and answer session with the Government in the National Assembly in response to Arusyak Julhakyan’s question.

According to him, Azerbaijan constantly talks about the fact that after the first Artsakh war they have about 4000 missing people. According to official figures, the Armenian side has 777 missing.

“An attempt is made to present that the Armenian side has not taken steps in this particular issue. I would like to inform that during the last year the bodies of 108 people considered missing from the first war have been transferred to the Azerbaijani side, if the term is used correctly. We are going to transfer 2 bodies in the next 2 days,” the Prime Minister said.

He mentioned that they expect that they will be able to establish cooperation. And he mentioned that after the 44-day war, the Armenian side has 217 missing persons; an agreement has been reached on such humanitarian issues.


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