Baku has not yet responded to the written package presented by the Armenian side: Secretary of the Security Council

The package of proposals submitted by Armenia to Azerbaijan on demarcation and delimitation generally refers to the creation of favorable conditions for demarcation so that we can start demarcation and delimitation processes, Secretary of the Security Council Armen Grigoryan told reporters after the Government session.

“It refers to the withdrawal of troops in a mirror version, the deployment of border troops along the border, taking into account the maps existing during the years of the Soviet Union,” Grigoryan said.

He said that the proposals were submitted to Baku in writing, and at this moment we have not received a response yet.
It should be reminded that Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan stated that the Armenian side has prepared a package of measures aimed at settling the situation on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border to the Russian side and through their mediation also to the Azerbaijani side.

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