Erdogan’s Spokesperson touched upon Armenian-Turkish relations in the United States

Turkish Presidential Spokesperson Ibrahim Kalın met with Turkish citizens living in the United States at the Turkish Consulate in Chicago. He also touched upon the Armenian-Turkish relations and the Karabakh issue, Ermenihaber reports.

He stressed that the Armenian lobby in the United States has made anti-Turkishness a part of its identity.

“But now there is a process going on in the South Caucasus that is destroying everything on which the Diaspora (meaning the Armenian Diaspora) has built all its arguments. In other words, the Turkey-Armenia or Armenian-Turkish conflict in the Caucasus is coming to an end. A new page of history has already opened there. Karabakh has been ‘liberated’ and included in Azerbaijan,” Kalın said, adding that Turkey and Armenia have taken steps to normalize bilateral relations.

According to Erdogan’s Spokesperson, the settlement process will be most beneficial for Armenia, which has no access to the sea, is economically weak and dependent on Russia. According to Kalın, the normalization of relations with Turkey will be beneficial for Armenia both economically and politically.

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