I received many calls from top officials: Hayk Marutyan opened brackets

Yerevan Council of Elders convened a special session today, on 22 December. The issue of expressing no confidence in Mayor Hayk Marutyan is being discussed.

Mayor Hayk Marutyan made a speech in which he mentioned:

“Dear fellow citizens, dear residents of Yerevan, I address my words to you.

Today, a process that has never taken place in the history of Yerevan, is taking place. This is the first case when the Mayor of Yerevan is distrusted, it seems that in order to do such a thing, the initiators had to have very strong arguments against the mayor. For example, embezzlement of large sums of money or some other terrible work or domestic crime, but, as we understood, there are none.

The reason presented is completely different, as the initiative group says, since I have left the Cuvil Contract Party, I have to leave this position as well.

Let’s find out if this is the case or not.”

Details in the video.


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