Vachagan Ghazaryan, his wife and children must report to the Prosecutor General’s Office

An investigation is underway at the RA Prosecutor General’s Office, into the property belonging to Vachagan Ghazaryan, who held the position of First Deputy Head of the National Security Service (NSS) State Protection Service and his wife Ruzanna Beglaryan,.

We learn about this from the official website of public announcements.

It is mentioned that the couple must appear within one month from the moment of receiving the notification to the Department for Confiscation of Property of Illicit Origin of the RA General Prosecutor’s Office to get acquainted with the materials of the case, to present a position, as well as a declaration.

“At the same time, we inform that it is necessary to appear on 10 December at 11:00, and in case of impossibility to appear on the mentioned day, it is necessary to call 010-511-695 in advance to agree on the day and time,” the notice reads.

Mher and Arev Ghazaryans, the son and the daughter of Vachagan Ghazaryan and Ruzanna Beglaryan, are summoned to the Prosecutor’s Office as well.

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