A power of attorney is a written power issued by one person to another person for representation before third persons.
The written power for making a transaction by a representative may be presented by the person represented directly to the respective third person.
A power of attorney for making transactions requiring notarial form must be notarially certified with the exception of cases provided by a statute.
The following are equated to notarially certified powers of attorney:
1) powers of attorney of military service personnel and of other persons who are being treated in military hospitals, sanatoria, and other military therapeutic institutions certified by the head of such an institution, by his deputy for the medical section, or by a senior or duty physician;
2) powers of attorney of military service personnel and, in locations of stationing of military units, groups, institutions, and military training schools, where there are no notarial offices nor other agencies conducting notarial operations, also powers of attorney of workers and employees, members of their family, and members of the families of military service personnel certified by the commander (or head) of this unit, group, institution, or school;
3) powers of attorney of persons who are in places of deprivation of freedom authenticated by the head of the respective place of deprivation of freedom;
4) powers of attorney of adult citizens with dispositive capacity who are in institutions for social protection of the public, certified by the management of this institution or the head (or his deputy) of the respective agency for social protection of the public.
A power of attorney for the receipt of wages and other payments connected with labor relations, for the receipt of remuneration to authors and inventors, pensions, allowances, and scholarships, contributions of citizens in banks, and for the receipt of correspondence, including monetary and parcel correspondence may also be certified by the organization in which the authorizing party works or studies, a body of local self-government at the place of his residence, or the management of the inpatient medical treatment institution in which he is located for treatment.
A power of attorney in the name of a legal person shall be issued under the signature of its head or other person empowered for this by the charter, and sealed with the seal of this organization.
A power of attorney sent by telegraph and also by other forms of communication, when the sending of the document is conducted by the communications employee shall be confirmed by the agencies of communications.