Some people seem to have lost their peace over my decision to run for the Chairman of the Chamber of Advocates: Gyozalyan

“Some people seem to have lost their peace over my decision to run for the Chairman of the Chamber of Advocate. They are hyperactively generating the lie that my decision is conditioned by the will of the authorities, they are aware that I have met with a government official.” Lawyer Gevorg Gyozalyan wrote about this on his Facebook page.

“By the way, the former enemies seem to have become friends. I am happy for that, even at the cost of not being elected. Friendship is better than enmity.

What do I offer these people publicly now? Follow me, maybe my car will park near the CA Central Office and you will take a photo and post it of the Facebook. Or be patient, the issue of constitutional changes will be on the agenda soon, I will do my best to advocate it in favor of the government, and you will reveal my shadowy cooperation with the authorities. Or, when elected, I will work closely with the NSS, often going to the government building to meet with the Prime Minister to gain personal sympathy. After all, there are a lot of “maybe”-s, work better guys, you do not work well, continue to reveal my shadow connection with the authorities.

And if I put the sarcasm aside, this is really a tragedy for the advocates’ community, because depending on the specific authorities, the Chamber of Advocates has had an open or tacit position, either pro-government or opposition. I live in Armenia and if I am elected, then in four years the Chamber of Advocates will be a PROFESSIONAL structure, neither governmental nor oppositional, the proof of this is the way I have passed, that no one can accuse me of flattery, ambition, or craving for a position based on any evidence.

“There is a lot of noise without arguments, so from now on I will not touch upon this topic again,” he wrote.

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