Lilit Makunts’ brother received a position in the Government

Today, on 24 August, Deputy Prime Minister Suren Papikyan has made an appointment.

“Pursuant to Article 9, Part 14 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia on Public Service, to appoint Vahe Makunts, assistant to Deputy Prime Minister Suren Papikyan,” the decision reads. reports that according to the RA Voters’ Register, Vahe Makunts is the brother of the RA Ambassador to the USA Lilit Makunts.

According to the official biographical data of Lilit Makunts, she was born on 7 November, in Yerevan.

It should be reminded that Makunts was appointed RA Ambassador to the USA on 2 August. She headed the “My Step” faction in the National Assembly of the 7th convocation.

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