The past is tedious, the present is dull, and the future, if this system continues to exist, is gray: statement of Citizen’s Decision Party

Yesterday: on 31-05-2021, registration of the parties participating in the special elections of June 20, 2021 took place. Registration of the Citizen’s Decision Party was also approved. Below is the statement of the Executive Body of Party:

“After the end of the war, we have always been in favor of internal stability, consolidation and peaceful resolution of the crisis. To that end, we have proposed forming a neutral government that is acceptable to all camps. There we saw an opportunity to straighten our backs, to be ready for today’s challenges, to appear together. Unfortunately, the political camps put the obsession with getting the most out of the imperative of restoring the forces of reason. And the country got involved in an election, which can create an even more unstable, polarized situation, raise questions about the legitimacy of the election results, making the state more vulnerable to crises.

These elections are the direct opposite of the situation that the people demanded in 2018, setting the task of improving the political system. The force chosen by the agenda to serve that demand did not take adequate steps in that direction; it was buried in the morals of a vicious system, guided by the principles of polarization, enmity, sectarianism, oligarchy.

The past is tedious, the present is dull, and the future, if this system continues to exist, is gray. The former and current actors of this system do not even shy away from turning Armenia’s sovereignty into a coin on the way of buying their own power.

The citizen and the person are left out of the political process; these camps do everything to keep them out. We are participating in these elections with the sole purpose that the citizens who have not lost hope and aim to re-establish the rights to their own country have the opportunity to vote and change the situation. We see that opportunity and we will do everything so that the political system that stole our childhood, spoiled our youth, wasted our youth does not steal the future of our children.

Zero votes for the crisis,” the statement reads.

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