In the opposition that lasted for 5 months, we managed to avoid civil clashes: Nikol Pashinyan

Today, on 20 March, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited Aragatsotn region. Before starting his speech in Nerkin Bazmaberd community, he asked for a minute of silence to honor the memory of Nerkin Bazmaberd residents who died in the 44-day war.

He spoke about the existing problems in the village, which are waiting to be solved. In his speech, the Prime Minister said, “The Republic of Armenia has been in a post-war situation for 5 months, in a post-war opposition. You know that the powers, and the government, has been attacked and continues to be attacked. You know what speeches and calls are made. I know that many people have many questions, complaints and demands related to this situation. But I would like to draw your attention to one fact – to record the situation, which is unprecedented, because in this opposition situation, which lasted for 5 months after such a difficult war, we managed to avoid civil clashes. There are aggressive forces in Armenia, whose aggression is growing day by day, but thanks to the people it was possible to avoid civil clashes, this is a great achievement.”

Pashinyan noted that this is first of all the achievement of the people, because the people did not allow civil clashes to take place.

According to him, even some judges encourage calls for murder.

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