Government approves program of measures for the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities during military service and social inclusion

On 18 March, the government adopted a decision to approve the schedule for implementation of the program for the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities during military service.

The need for the adoption of the draft issues from the need to protect the basic rights of persons with disabilities obtained as a result of the war unleashed on 27 September, 2020 in Artsakh and during the military service and to ensure their social inclusion.

Mesrop Arakelyan Minister of Labor and Social Affairs presented the issue to the members of the executive.

The objective of the program is to ensure the social inclusion of persons with disabilities obtained during military service, the right to independent life through the comprehensive implementation of employment, social, educational, cultural and economic activities.

In order to increase the efficiency of the services provided, separate activities will involve the capacity of the Diaspora – professional potential, financial and material support.

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