Allegations that an Azerbaijani named Polad shot a video in Kapan are not true: Syunik Regional Administration demands a refutation

Syunik Marzpetaran Demands Denial:

“Dear Mr. Harutyunyan (management of the 5th channel),

In connection with a number of inaccuracies in the video titled “Azerbaijani Polad opened the door to Kapan” broadcast on your TV channel on 8 January, 2021, we urge to disseminate a refutation pursuant to the Article 8 of the Law on Mass Media. In particular, the allegations in the video that an Azerbaijani named Polad shot a video in Kapan, Syunik region, do not correspond to reality.

The video was shot in June 2020 and was published on the “Art VOYAGE ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ ” YouTube channel. The author of the video is a resident of Kapan, not an Azerbaijani. At the same time, we inform that Part 2 of Article 8 of the Law on Mass Media stipulates: “Within one week after the receiving a refutation demand the implementer of media activity must notify the refuting party of the time of the dissemination of refutation or send a written refusal to publish the refutation.”

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