The video made in Kapan was not shot by an Azerbaijani

The “Information Checking Center” reports that Channel 5 TV aired a report titled “Azerbaijani Polad opened the door to Kapan” hours ago, in which it was alleged that Azerbaijani Polad had entered the city of Kapan without any restrictions. At the request of the former Azerbaijani residents, he showed them their former houses.

The “Information Checking Center” found out that the real author of the video was not Polad Poladov from Azerbaijan, but Arthur, a resident of Kapan, an Armenian. The video was first published on 8 June  on the author’s “Art VOYAGE ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ ” YouTube channel. The latter’s YouTube channel was created 2 years ago, where videos exclusively about Kapan were published.

Let us add that in one of the Azerbaijani groups, the hero of “Channel 5”, Polad Poladov from Azerbaijan, referring to the report prepared about him, wrote:

“Armenian TV channels are worried as if I went to Kapan and shoot a film.”

Thus, even the Azeri user himself denied the claim to be in Kapan to make the video.

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