The President’s wife has also been infected with a new type of coronavirus

The President of the Republic Armen Sarkissian and Mrs. Nune Sarkissian, who were infected with a new type of coronavirus, thank Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora for their warm health wishes and words of support.

“We are really touched with your attention. God bless us all.”

The President’s Office reported.

It should be reminded that during the vaction, the President of the Republic Armen Sarkissian celebrated the New Year in London with his family and grandchildren. However, symptoms of the new type of coronavirus have been detected at the President. The test he passed gave a positive result.

A new mutation in the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was discovered in the UK in mid-December. The UK Advisory Board later approved the fact of the new and emerging respiratory viral threats and that the coronavirus version found in the country is spreading at a faster rate and requires even more vigilance by the population. Although the new version of the virus, according to preliminary estimates, may be 70% more contagious than the usual, it does not mean that it is more dangerous in terms of death or hospitalization.

Earlier, the South African Ministry of Health reported that geneticists had discovered a new mutation of the coronavirus called 501.V2.

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