As of 4 January, 1184 bodies were found, including the bodies of civilians: Artsakh SESS

The State Emergency Situations Service of the Artsakh Republic informs.

“Rescue detachments of the State Emergency Situations Service of the Artsakh Republic have been conducting search and rescue operations since 13 November, 2020 in the areas under enemy control, where hostilities took place from 27 September to 9 November.

As a result of the search, as of 4 January, 2021, a total of 1184 bodies were found, including the bodies of civilians.

On 3 January, 20 bodies were found in the southern part of Artsakh (Hadrut-Mekhakavan), one of which was the body of an elderly civilian from the village of Karmrakuch. A forensic examination is being carried out to find out his identity.

Yesterday, on 4 January, 9 bodies were found in Mekhakavan (Jabrail) – Hadrut directions. Among them were also 3 civilians (two women, one man).

Search and rescue operations continue today in Talish-Mataghis, Hadrut region and Varanda (Fizuli) directions.

The relatives of the killed or missing servicemen, as well as the escorts familiar with the territories or the volunteers who took part in the hostilities, take part in the work with the intervention of the director of the service, Major-General Karen Sargsyan.”

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