Letter of Agreement signed between the “Armenia Against Corruption” Project and the Office of the Human Rights Defender of the RA

“Armenia Against Corruption” Project implemented by the Armenian young Lawyers Association NGO and the Office of the Human Rights Defender of the RA will carry out a joint struggle aimed at the protection of human rights and to decrease the corruption risks. This cooperation became possible due to the Letter of Agreement, which the parties signed today.

“Armenia Against Corruption” has three main directions: to support the citizens to direct their claims to the state bodies; support the anti-corruption reforms; and promote to the increase of anti-corruption awareness level. We believe that we can really cooperate in all these directions,” Mr. Karen Zadoyan, “Armenia Against Corruption” Project manager said.

“I am well aware about the activities of your organization for many years, and we are happy for the opportunity to cooperate in a more streamlined way,” Mr. Karen Andreasyan, the Human Rights Defender of the RA noted.

The Letter of Agreement will be in effect for two years.

11 Anti-Corruption Centers operate in Yerevan and in all marzes of the RA in the framework of “Armenia Against Corruption” project.

Armenian Young Lawyers Association operates the Anti-Corruption Centers in Yerevan City and in Kotayk, Aragatsotn (with Anti-Corruption Reception Centers in Aparan and Talin cities), Shirak, Lori, Tavush, Ararat, Vayots Dzor and Syunik Marzes of the RA.

Armavir Development Center operates the Anti-Corruption Center in Armavir marz of the RA.

Gegharkunik Chamber of Commerce and Industry operates the Anti-Corruption Center in Gegharkunik marz of the RA.


Source: Iravaban.net

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