“Greece will use military force against Turkey if the latter does not leave the Greek islands”

The Greek Navy has issued an orange alert code, sending a message to warships stationed near a number of small islands in the Aegean Sea and ordering them to be ready to wait for possible hostile action by Turkey, VOA reports.

Greek military officials told VOA that Greek warships had cordoned off the island of Kastellorizo  ​​and a number of uninhabited islands to protect Greek-held territories. Earlier this month, Turkey re-deployed the reconnaissance ship Oruc Reis, which, after being sent here for the first time, put the two countries at war.

Officials from the United States and the European Union have been trying to bring the two sides to the negotiating table since those days. The Turkish reconnaissance ship is currently only 14 kilometers from the island of Kastellorizo. Before that, no Turkish ship had come so close to any Greek island. The ship, which according to the Turkish side is carrying out research work, operates under the control of Turkish warships and submarines.

There are more than 60 Greek ships here.

Ankara claims that the area is within its competence to explore for gas and oil reserves. Senior Greek government officials have warned that any violation of Greek sovereignty could be met by the military.

Disagreements between Greece and Turkey, NATO allies over the ownership of natural resources and maritime territories, have been going on for a long time.

Athens is currently trying to persuade the European Union to stop selling arms to Turkey. It also calls for sanctions against Ankara, which is opposed by Germany and several other countries.


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