One of the fragments reached me, never mind, it was good that it hit me, not the young ones: civilian wounded Marine Pilosyan

As a result of the shelling by the Azerbaijani armed forces, another civilian, Marine Pilosyan, a resident of Karavan village of Karvachar region, was wounded. Her condition is stable.

The United Armenian Information Center has published a video. Marine Pilosyan says that when they heard the sound of the plane, she did not have time to go down to the basement․ “It struck , one of the fragments reached me, never mind, it was good that it hit me, not the young ones,”

She mentions that her husband hugged her, took down, the first aid was provided by those gathered in the basement. Then they sent her to Vardenis hospital, she underwent an operation.

“My only wish is for peace to come, and that we win; and we will win, I have no doubts about that.”

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