Lebanese media reports the news of Jessica Bezjian’s death. Arevyelk (East) reported.
Jessica Bezjian was at her workplace, in a Rum hospital, during the explosion near the port of Beirut.
The young Armenian woman was a nurse. According to the media, she remained under the collapse of the ceiling. The hospital is located in the Ashrafieh district, very close to the port of Beirut.
Jessica Bezjian was a graduate of the Mesropian Armenian School in Lebanon and a member of the Lebanese Medical Association.
“Rest in peace, angel,” her friends and lecturers wrote.
The media reports that Delia Papazian, a mother of two children, who lived with her family near the port (in the main photo, on the left), died as a result of the explosion .
It is already known about 5 Armenian victims. Politicians Nazar Najarian, Alina Zabri, Jacques Baramakian were killed.