Assistance to unaccompanied refugee minors

An unaccompanied and/or separated minor in the meaning of the Law on Refugees and Asylum shall be considered as a child, who is an asylum seeker or refugee and under the age of 18, do not have a legal representative (parents (parent), guardian, custodian) in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.


Unaccompanied or separated minor shall undergo the general asylum procedure provided for by the mentioned Law, if not specified differently by the present law and other laws of the Republic of Armenia. Unaccompanied and/or separated minor shall enjoy the same rights as asylum seekers and refugees, if not specified differently by the mentioned law and other laws of the Republic of Armenia.


The State Migration Service shall facilitate the reception and ensure the care for an unaccompanied and separated minor pursuant to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia as well as the full enjoyment of his/her rights pursuant to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.


All State Bodies, dealing with unaccompanied or separated minor asylum seekers or refugees (the RA Government, Police, National Security Service, etc.) shall consider their special situation, opinion and maturity, provide them with all possible assistance and act in the best interest of the minor within their competence.


The State Migration Service applies, in cases of unaccompanied and/or separated minor or disable asylum seekers, to the Ministry on Labor and Social Issues and, if necessary, to the Child Protection Units in order to arrange for the accommodation and care for the unaccompanied and/or separated minor or the disabled asylum seeker.


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