If you have a problem, which hinders the development of your business, you may report on it on the website bizprotect.am. Further, the specialists would study the application and respond to it promptly.
It is possible also to inform about a problem anonymously. The website creators, taking into consideration the international standards and experience, also have taken care that no one (including law enforcement agencies) could identify the reporting person.
Moreover, the mobile application bizprotect.am or bizpashtpan.am was created, which helps to report on a problem faster. The application allows not only sending of text information, but also the photos and documents.
Arkadi Sahakyan, Lawyer of the Union of Information Technology Enterprises said this at the seminar on free economic competition held in Vanadzor today.
The event was organized within the framework of the program “Evidence-based Advocacy for Reform”, which is jointly implemented by the Union of Information Technology Enterprises, Armenian Lawyers’ Association and European Business Association.
Mariam Zadoyan, lawyer of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association presented the major problem in the sphere of economic competition, the issue of fighting the monopoly. According to her, the best solution for it is to create a register of the beneficiary owners.
In case when there is no responsibility to present the beneficiary owners, one individual may create several organizations (in the name of different individuals) and carry out the same activity, having a factual monopolist position in the market. Meanwhile, the monopoly problem will be solved if there is the institute for identifying the beneficiary owners.
According to M. Zadoyan, when the register is created, all companies will be obliged to provide information on their owners. In case of failure to provide such information, strict sanctions will apply.
Arsen Petrosyan and Davit Pinachyan, the representatives of the RA State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition presented the reforms in the sphere of free economic competition.
More than 20 representatives of the business community, who raised their concerns, raised other issues that exist in the sector as well, and corresponding steps to address these issues will be undertaken in the nearest future.