The Objective is to act within the Logic of Public Interest: Karen Zadoyan

“Our objective is to ensure that public authorities and the society shall work in the context of logic of the public interest.” Mr. Karen Zadoyan, the President of the Armenian Lawyer’s Association, “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project Manager said today during the meeting with the RA Minister of Culture.

The meeting was aimed at presentation of the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project and to find ways for cooperation in its scope. The Deputies of the Minister of Culture Mr. Arthur Pogosyan, Ms Arev Samuelyan, Mr. Nerses Ter-Vardanyan, Chief of Staff Mr. Samvel Muradyan and representatives of “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project Mr. Aleksander Shagafyan, the President of Armenian Center for Democratic Education (CIVITAS), and the EU Expert of the Project Mr. Carl Ulbricht attended the meeting as well.

Karen Zadoyan noted that the 34 month project is funded by the European Union and is implemented by a consortium of 6 organizations. Armenian Lawyers’ Association is leading the Consortium.

This project would have 9 target areas, 3 areas (justice, education and business) have already been selected and approved. Currently studies and meetings are conducted with the different government authorities for the selection of the 6 remaining areas of the project aimed at raising the issues and mapping.

Karen Zadoyan said that the primary objective of the project is the capacity building of CSOs that work in the target areas. “The objective of civil society organizations in addition to voicing the gaps and omission but also to propose solutions and help the government if there is potential. We should develop the CSOs’ capacity and skills so that they become serious partners of the state in relevant sectors.”

He noted that this project is based on another project implemented by the Armenian Bar Association, which has had great success and positive results. It refers to “Multi-Faceted Anti-Corruption Promotion” Project, where the organization submitted three legislative proposals to the government, which the latter accepted.

“The secret of success is that a qualified expert assistance, which meets the government’s requirements had been provided,” Karen Zadoyan said. It refers to the criminalization of illicit enrichment, introduction of an independent anti-corruption body and the institute of whistleblowers.

During the meeting, the Minister and the Deputy Ministers and presented some problems that exist in their field. They noted that the Ministry is currently carrying out large-scale activities through NGOs.

Minister Armen Amiryan, understanding the importance of the program, expressed readiness for cooperation and added that he would be pleased if culture is one of the 9 selected target areas of the project.

The “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union by the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO in cooperation with its partners; Agora Central Europe o.p.s (an NGO from the Czech Republic), Armenian Center for Democratic Education-CIVITAS, “International Center for Human Development” Public Organization, SME Cooperation Association and Union of Communities of Armenia.

Astghik Karapetyan

Aleksander Sargsyan

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