When is the Service in Police forbidden?

According to Article 11 of the RA Law on “Police Service” the citizen of the RA under the of 30 years can serve in the police if he/she has passed the military service in the army (the exceptions are female citizens and cases provided by law), knows Armenian, is able to carry out the responsibilities of the police servant by his/her practical, personal traits, education, health condition and physical preparedness, regardless of nationality, race, sex, social origin, property, birth or other status.

By taking into consideration the presence of the health condition and proper physical readiness complying the requirements to the policeman determined by the law, by the joint order of Chief of the Police of Adjunct to the RA Government of 16 May, 2003 N 6 and the 19 May, 2003 N 361 order of the RA Minister of Health, the list of illnesses and physical disabilities that prevent from service in the police is determined.

The list includes the types of mental disorders, the internal diseases, some surgical illnesses, ear and upper respiratory tract infections, TMJ and mouth disorders, eye problems and diseases, skin and venereal disease, as well as female illnesses. The whole list of obstructive illnesses can be found in the before-mentioned order.


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