According to Decision № 1465 of the RA Government adopted on 11 December 2008, the citizen can get passport or identification card during the shortest period by their will.
For that purpose the amount levied charges and the terms of getting (exchanging) passport or identification card by that decision for levied charges are provided by this decision.
Thus, new passport instead of the lost one of the citizen of the Republic of Armenia provided during one working day costs AMD 60.000.
New passport instead of the lost one of the citizen of the Republic of Armenia provided on the third working day costs AMD 50.000.
New passport instead of the lost one of the citizen of the Republic of Armenia provided on the fifth working day costs AMD 40.000.
Providing a new passport to the citizen of the Republic of Armenia or the exchange during one working day costs AMD 20.000.
Providing a new passport to the citizen of the Republic of Armenia or the exchange during on the third working day costs AMD 10.000.
Providing a new identification card instead of the lost ID card during one working day costs AMD 40.000.
Providing a new identification card instead of the lost ID card on the third working day costs AMD 20.000.
Providing a new ID card or the exchange during one working day costs AMD 20.000.
Providing a new ID card or the exchange on the third working day costs AMD 10.000.