The list of these jobs is provided in the RA Government Decision 1698-N on establishing the list of heavy, harmful productions, work, professions and positions, extremely heavy and extremely hazardous industries, work, professions and positions.
The RA Labor Code provides the guarantees for protection of motherhood. Pursuant to Article 258 Part 1, “Engaging pregnant women or women taking care of a child under the age of one in heavy, harmful, especially heavy and especially harmful works established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia shall be prohibited.”
Although the ban of involvement of the pregnant women in the majority of activities foreseen in the above mentioned decision are predictable, however not in all areas. Thus according to the mentioned decision the following jobs are considered heavy and harmful:
- Smoking fish and servicing smoking shed,
- Radio Operators,
- Secret (wire)tapping,,
- Head of Archives Laboratory, Head of Department, Master copying,
- Workers of film-, photo-, photo documentation-, and insurance copying branches
The awareness is implemented in the framework of the “Influencing the Women’s Rights Agenda” project by the Armenian Young Lawyers Association.