“Corruption has become a cancer for our country. Often struggle against this occurrence needs surgical interference,” Mr. Arayik Hovhannisyan, Deputy Head of Standing Committee on Territorial Management and Local Self-Government of the National Assembly said.
“Implementation of UN and Council of Europe Conventions on Corruption in the Republic of Armenia” Round Table Discussion took place today.
According to Mr. Koryun Piloyan, Head of Corruption and Organized Crime Department of Prosecutor General’s Office of the RA, the RA Law on Bank Secrecy hinders to more efficient organization of struggle against corruption.
In his speech, Mr. Karen Zadoyan, AYLA President, “Development of AAC National Network” Project Manager attached importance to the role and importance of criminalization of illicit enrichment in struggle against corruption, as well as the protection of whistleblowers
Mr. Edmon Marukhyan, member of the National Assembly of the RA recommended considering preconditions to find effective solutions in this sphere, “There are three preconditions: First – political will in struggle against corruption; second – mechanism for their implementation on legislative level; third – public demand and cooperation of the civil society institutions with the governmental bodies aimed at implementation of civil monitoring and struggle against it.” The MP accepts carrying out discussions on criminalization of illicit enrichment, yet was not ready to provide a unequivocal reply whether determination of the norm was needed by law currently or not.
Mr. Marat Atovmyan, Head of Yerevan AAC, referred to Article 6 of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), mentioned that Armenia currently lack a state body, which is involved in regulating, analyzing, advocating and preventing activities: “The state bodies are in most cases struggle against corruption as law authorities and initiate or investigate corruption cases.”
At the end of the discussion Ms Zaruhi Harutyunyan, Expert of Legal Psychology said that psychologists in Sankt Petersburg recommend the officials to have large mirrors in their offices. Psychologists believe that this may have a preventive role in struggle against corruption
Nune Hovsepyan