Lavrov commented on the Possible Withdrawal of Armenia from the CSTO

Armenia has not sent documents regarding possible withdrawal from the CSTO, therefore this issue and the possible consequences of the republic’s withdrawal were not discussed in the Council of Foreign Ministers of the CSTO, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

“The procedure for Armenia’s withdrawal from the CSTO was not discussed, because no relevant request was received,” Lavrov said in his briefing after the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the CSTO, answering the question whether it is possible, whether Armenia’s withdrawal from the organization was discussed. exit procedure.

According to him, the possible consequences of such a move were not discussed.

“As I already said, yes, today the Armenian minister was not present at the meeting, but there was no document from Armenia, no official step that would make it necessary to discuss its consequences”, he said.

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