On 24 March, the Representative for International Legal Matters submitted to the European Court of Human Rights a request for urgent interim measures under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court against Azerbaijan in connection with the recent violations committed against the people of Artsakh.
The Office of the Representative on International Legal Matters informs:
In particular, concrete evidence has been presented that since February of this year, the Azerbaijani forces stationed near the village of Khramort in the Askeran region have been regularly threatening the peaceful population of Artsakh, demanding them to leave their homes and leave the area. An interim measure was demanded in March: when Azerbaijan fired indiscriminately at the civilian population of Artsakh, including schools, as a result of which the main pipeline supplying natural gas to Artsakh was damaged. The entire population of Artsakh was deprived of natural gas supply. In these cramped weather conditions, the entire population of Artsakh, including hospitals and schools, has to survive without natural gas.
Such encroachments are a direct threat not only to the village of Khramort, but to the entire population of Artsakh.
Based on these facts, combining them with the case law of the European Court, the RA Representative for International Legal Matters stated that the actions of Azerbaijan directly endanger the fundamental rights of the people of Artsakh protected by the Convention and pose a threat of irreversible loss. The European Court has been asked to take urgent interim measures against Azerbaijan, to oblige to stop the threats, the fire, to restore the supply of natural gas.
On 25 March, the Representative on International Legal Matters also appealed to the International Court of Justice, drawing attention to the above-mentioned violations committed by Azerbaijan.