President signed a number of laws

President Serj Sargsyan signed into law NA-adopted bills on amending “Law on administrative violations”, Local government agencies”, “State dues”, “Law on incarcerated persons maintenance”, “Criminal law”, “Weapons law”, “Organic agriculture”, “State registration of legal entities”, “Civil code”, “Civil procedure law”, “Administrative cases and procedures law”, “Electoral code”, “Law on limited liability companies”, “Private entrepreneurs law”, “Law on brand names”, “Law on NGOs”, “Law on water consumers and consumer unions”, “Law on foundations”, “Tax code”, “Tax registration of physical and organizational entities”, “Accounting registration law”, “Law on bank secret”, “Law on bankruptcy of banks, loaning organizations, investment funds”, “Agricultural equipment law”, “Banks and bank activities law”, “Law on pawnshops”, “Law on insurance and insurance companies”, “Law on audit”, “Law on commerce and industry chambers”, “Law on securities”, “Procurement law”, “Law on public bargain”, “Law on drugs”, “Law on bankruptcy”, “Law on administration of multi-apartment buildings”, “Law on condominiums”, “Law on veterinary”, Law on lottery games”, “Law on fight against money laundering and financing terrorism”.


RA President’s office 

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