A citizen Naira H. reported to the Internal Service Department of the Investigation Committee of the Republic of Armenia to the effect that within the criminal case launched in the Investigation Committee of the Republic of Armenia on January 29, 2015 she was interrogated as a witness and the employee in charge of conducting the proceeding compelled her to write confessionary statements inconsistent with the reality under threat, swear words, shouts and psychological pressure.
A criminal case has been launched with regard to this case based on the report filed by Naira H. as per the materials prepared in the Special Investigation Service of the Republic of Armenia in accordance with Part 1 of Article 309 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia.
A preliminary investigation is underway.
Note: The suspect or the accused of the alleged offence is deemed innocent unless his or her innocence is proved by virtue of the effective court verdict in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia.