What issues do Hovik Abrahamyan and Dmitry Medvedev discussed at the meeting in Moscow?

On 5 February, Hovik Abrahamyan who was on a working visit in Moscow to participate in a meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, met with the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. The prime ministers appreciated the current level of the Armenian-Russian strategic partnership relations and discuss a wide range of issues aimed at broadening and deepening the partnership.

Hovik Abrahamyan thanked Dmitri Medvedev for warm reception. “We are confident that the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union will boost the development of our economies and increasing competitiveness. We hope that in the nearest future the economic indicators will drastically change, in particular, the volume of goods turnover and the investments will increase, which in turn shall contribute to raising the living standards, creation of jobs,” Hovik Abrahamyan said.

The parties referred to economic cooperation and development in the context of the Eurasian Economic Union in the framework of joint projects and development of new projects.

Both sides stressed that Armenia’s joining the EEC will create opportunities for the growth of trade, attracting new investment and acquisition of new markets.

The prime ministers also discussed the implementation process of the agreements reached at the meeting in Sochi last year.

Photo: gov.am


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