On 13 November 2014, the European Court of Human Rights has issued judgments on the cases “Baghdasaryan and Zatikyan v Armenia”, “Gharibyan and Others v Armenia”, “Ghasabyan and Others v Armenia.”
In all three cases the applicants were rejected prior to application to the ECtHR and the ECtHR considered the RA Government’s compensation offer.
The applicants in case “Baghdasaryan and Zatikyan v Armenia”, demanded 300.000EUROs from the RA Government. The ECtHR upheld the applicants’ claim, stating 44.000 EUROs. The attached reference here.
The applicants in case ”, “Gharibyan and Others v Armenia”, demanded 300.000EUROs from the RA Government. The ECtHR upheld the applicants’ claim, stating 52.000 EUROs. The attached reference here.
The applicants in case ”, “Gharibyan and Others v Armenia”, demanded 370.000 EUROs from the RA Government. The ECtHR upheld the applicants’ claim, stating 64.000 EUROs. The attached reference here. The official website of the RA General Prosecutor’s Office informs.