The citizen who had applied to Aparan Advocacy and Assistance Reception Center Reception Center of the RA complained that the registration certificate of his motor vehicle – BMW 5301 indicates that the motor of the car has 88/120 horsepower (hp). However the authorized body of the respective region calculated the property tax for his car as having 180 hp, which in result made 246.856 AMD, whereas in case of 120 hp the tax shall be only 62.760 AMD.
The head of Aparan AARC called to the official of the local self government body and clarified that the latter had requested a larger sum from the citizen than the sum, which the citizen should pay as a property tax for his vehicle.
After obtaining this information Mr. Abrahamyan, head of Aparan AARC informed the above mentioned body that the property tax for the vehicle shall be calculated in compliance with the hp indicated in the registration certificate, and not according to the scale, which the official body set willfully. Mr. Abrahamyan supported his claim with legal arguments as well. In result the local self government body requested the citizen to pay the property tax established for the vehicles having 180 hp.
The Property Tax was paid in compliance with the established Rate