Corruption level in Armenia remains high. This is shown in “Transparency International’s” report published on December 1, 2011. According to it, our country is on 129th place out of 182 in terms of corruption perception.
Iravaban.nettried to enquire from head of Ushu federation, referee and security expert of “Vishap” school TigranChobanyan what is the extent of corruption in Sport here. He says that has heard from fellow-referees that sportsmen expect victories only by means of bribing referees. Chobanyan says that it is very rare that the referee cannot influence the outcome of a sport process, such example being boxing, where knock-out can decide it for a referee.
“In 2010, due to bias of referee, the victory was awarded to the Turkish sportsmen and not Armenians. It was an obvious step to please Turkey which was to host the world championship the next year, – Chobaynan says. – We disputed the decision. The commission saw the tape and agreed that we were right and corrected the decision. However, two hours later we were informed that the decision was reversed again. I am sure either Turks paid off or the referees wanted to please them. In either case corruption is in place”.
International referee Chobanyan believes that corruption is not limited to taking and giving bribe. He calls corruption also deciding outcome based on arrangement. When money is not paid, yet one decides to judge in favor of a party.
“Vishap” school security expert believes the fight against corruption must start here from grassroots – public awareness.
Is Sport Also Corrupt Area?