The Issue of Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel Treatment Must Remain at the Center of Public and Legal Attention: Marianna Avagyan

The National Strategy for Human Rights Protection dedicates a special place to the fight against torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment.

The National Strategy for Human Rights Protection is an important step in the fight against torture, but there are still serious challenges in terms of implementation effectiveness. International legal standards and human rights protection principles require a comprehensive and consistent approach to torture prevention.

Of the 5 actions envisaged by the Strategy, only one has been fully implemented—strengthening the capabilities of the Specialized Torture Investigation Unit of the RA Investigative Committee. The remaining four actions, related to raising awareness and implementing an anonymous reporting system, have remained partially implemented.

Raising awareness through posters and social videos, although a positive initiative, is not sufficient in itself. From a legal perspective, there is a fundamental problem—there is no clear mechanism to measure the qualitative impact of these informational materials. A scientific methodology is needed that includes research tools to assess the real impact of posters and videos on public consciousness and behavioral change.

A deeper analysis shows that in law enforcement practice, posters and videos do not fully ensure the implementation of preventive functions. The painful evidence of this is the recently recorded cases of torture, including the treatment of a boy forcibly displaced from Artsakh. This case demonstrates that informational campaigns cannot replace deep systemic reforms.

The possibility of submitting anonymous reports, which seems to be an important legal guarantee, is not yet fully operational. It is necessary to create a multi-level protection system that includes: complete confidentiality, impartial investigation of reports, as well as full legal protection for those who report. This includes all places of deprivation of liberty, including the armed forces, police, and psychiatric institutions.

It is important to recognize that posters and videos can only be a supplementary tool, not the main mechanism. Real changes require a comprehensive approach, including legislative reforms, educational programs, modernization of the judicial system, training of law enforcement bodies, and transformation of public consciousness.

The case of torture against a boy forcibly displaced from Artsakh shows that the current preventive legal system has serious gaps. This case is especially concerning from a legal perspective, as it involves a representative of an already vulnerable group. Posters and social videos, even if present, cannot prevent such cases if there are no clear legal mechanisms of accountability and inevitability of punishment.

The issue of prevention of torture and other cruel treatment must remain at the center of public and legal attention. This case should become a serious signal for the full implementation of actions envisaged within the framework of the strategy and the introduction of effective legal mechanisms.

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