“I am a veteran of the first war, I fought with Avo”: Forcibly displaced Ernest Musaelyan faces numerous challenges

Ernest Musaelyan was forcibly displaced on September 19, 2023, as a result of the aggression unleashed by the Azerbaijani side.

“I left with nothing, just wearing one set of clothes. We traveled for three to four days. They gave us two days to leave, so we abandoned our homes and left. I was in Martuni, standing next to our house when the bombardment started,” Musaelyan told Iravaban.net as part of their series “Legal Issues of Artsakh Armenians in Armenia.”

According to him, he hasn’t received the monthly support payment of 40+10 thousand drams. He has applied to the relevant authorities, but there has been no progress yet.

“They ask me, ‘Is it possible you left the country in September?’ I told them I haven’t gone anywhere, I’m staying here. If I had left, there would have been a stamp in my passport,” noted Ernest Musaelyan.

He has a Category 2 disability. During the first Artsakh war, he lost one leg. Now he wants to receive a new prosthesis but is facing problems with this as well.

Details in the video


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