ALA Expert Mariam Zadoyan Participates in OGP Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting

From February 5-7, 2025, Armenian Lawyers’ Association expert Mariam Zadoyan participated in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting held in Manila, Philippines. The event aimed to promote efforts supporting participatory and sustainable democracies and restore public trust through innovative governance approaches.

Mariam Zadoyan delivered a presentation during a panel discussion titled ” It Takes a Network: Building Stronger Integrity Systems Through Collective Action,” organized by the National Democratic Institute and INTOSAI Development Initiative.

She shared the experience of CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia in implementing domestic anti-corruption reforms. Particular attention was paid to legislative changes concerning the criminalization of illicit enrichment, establishment of anti-corruption bodies, and implementation of whistleblowing and beneficial ownership disclosure mechanisms. She also highlighted the organization’s role in developing Armenia’s anti-corruption strategies in recent years.



The speaker emphasized the coalition’s efforts in conducting a national public awareness campaign on whistleblowing and presented the activities of the Anti-Corruption School of Young Leaders.

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