Acting Director of Polytechnic University’s Kapan Branch Relieved of Duties Amidst Law Enforcement Actions

In response to an inquiry from, the National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA) Foundation has disclosed that Lernik Petrosyan, the Acting Director of its Kapan Branch, tendered his resignation on September 23, 2024, following a recommendation from the Rector. The resignation was promptly accepted, with Petrosyan’s tenure as Acting Director concluding on September 24.

The NPUA’s Yerevan Educational Complex was apprised of law enforcement activities at the Kapan Branch on September 26, the very day they transpired. This information came to light through a detailed report submitted by the Kapan Branch staff.

The NPUA Foundation, while staunchly upholding the rule of law and maintaining the presumption of innocence for all Kapan Branch employees, unequivocally reaffirms its stance: every member of this esteemed higher education institution bears the responsibility to operate strictly within legal parameters and to uphold the highest ethical standards. This commitment is crucial in safeguarding the university’s sterling reputation and unblemished standing in the academic community.‘s analysis posits that the NPUA’s position clearly demonstrates the institution’s unwavering resolve to maintain exemplary standards of conduct among its staff. Furthermore, it underscores the university’s readiness to implement decisive measures when necessary, all in service of protecting its impeccable reputation and advancing its noble scientific and educational mission.

The photograph accompanying the article, sourced from the internet, depicts Lernik Petrosyan, the former Acting Director of the Kapan Branch of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia Foundation, alongside the building of the Branch.

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