“What was the ultimate intention?”: Judge Vahe Misakyan’s speech at the Supreme Judicial Council

The session on subjecting Judge Vahe Misakyan to disciplinary action at the Supreme Judicial Council lasted for 2 days.

According to Iravaban.net, the judge gave a speech clarifying their response and the reasons for disagreeing with the Minister of Justice’s motion: “This criminal case has been under examination for 3 years and 2 months, during which 4 out of 18 scheduled court sessions took place, while 14 were postponed.

The total duration of the sessions held was 7 hours. At first glance, it seems problematic if the examination could be completed in 4 sessions, why did it take so long? But is justice administered only during court sessions?

The next issue I want to address regarding the motion is that I am being attributed intention for postponing court sessions (it is noted that the judge examined one of the criminal cases for about 3 years, and 14 out of 18 court sessions scheduled for the case were postponed, thus not showing the necessary diligence for holding court sessions).

What was the ultimate intention for postponing 6 court sessions? I still haven’t seen any justification for the motive in the motion.

If we’re talking about the intention of any action, it must have a motive. This is a well-known institute in criminal law.”

For more details, see the video.


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