“The internship organized at ZCMC was unprecedented; students haven’t had such an opportunity in the last 30 years”: 2 unforgettable weeks in Syunik

At the invitation and with the support of the Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine (ZCMC), students from the faculties of Geography and Geology at Yerevan State University completed an educational internship at the company from July 11-24. The future geologists spent 2 unforgettable weeks in Kajaran.

“The internship was very impressive and successful. After returning, we were still mentally there. It sparked a greater interest in the profession and a desire to work in the field in the future,” notes Kristine Sargsyan, a 3rd-year student of the faculty.

The students visited Amulsar, then the Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine. The visitors saw firsthand how ore is explored, extracted, and then processed.

“We saw the wonderful world of our profession with our own eyes. When they say geology is romantic, it’s not for nothing. My goal is to graduate from university and return to my home region, Syunik, to work either at ZCMC or Amulsar,” says student Alen Hovhannisyan.

He also notes that there are so many myths about mining that they hinder the development of the sector. The students also gained practical knowledge in hydrology and conducted hydrological measurements on the Voghji River.

“Such internships complement the theoretical knowledge that students have received over the course of a year, which is important for a geographer. Our internship in Syunik wouldn’t have been possible without the support we received every day from everyone,” notes Tatevik Safaryan, lecturer at YSU and Candidate of Geographical Sciences.

The lecturers note that they discussed not only positive changes at the plant but also issues that will be addressed in the near future. All points of the educational internship have been completed.

“For years, little attention has been paid to mining and geology. Today, we’ve reached a point where we have a shortage of geologists, but students are gradually starting to show interest,” says Marine Mkrtchyan, who is the head of the Department of Geophysics, Engineering Geology, and Hydrogeology at YSU.

According to Suren Nersesyan, the internship organized at ZCMC was unprecedented; students haven’t had such an opportunity in the last 30 years. The lecturers note that the impressions and experience gained during the internship will help students supplement their theoretical knowledge and consolidate it.

For more details, see the video.


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